I had planned for us to only lose two days of lessons to a Christmas break this year. That was the plan, and guess what? That didn’t happen. As Christmas neared, I found myself wanting to relax and enjoy my family and the time we could have together. Yes, we could have done a few Abeka lessons and yes, I could have counted all the things we did in terms of baking. (You know how much math, reading and science can be gleaned from a full day of baking!) But I found that I just wanted to enjoy the moments and I didn’t want to think about how what we were doing could be a lesson. I wanted to be present. I wanted to be in the moment. I wanted to be a mom.
And so now we are one day away from what is supposed to be the beginning of the next part of our school year. My husband is off of work until Thursday and my daughter turns 6 and has her family birthday party on Friday. Maybe we could start next Monday? It started to make me wonder. How many times do we get caught up in our must dos and schedules, that we forget what is most important? Our families. We only have certain amount of time with them and shouldn’t we be able to truly enjoy our time together without having to worry about getting back on schedule. It’s not like we will be behind. We will be completely finished with this year long before the public school children are even taking final exams and thinking about cleaning out their desks.
So for this year, we are ending on a different note. Maybe this is the best and most important lesson I could impart to our children. Quality time as a family is more important that anything in the world.
How are you ending 2013? Are you starting your lessons up on Monday? Did you take a break at all? What are your thoughts? I would love to hear from you!