It’s February. And…?
Well, in the homeschooling world, that apparently signals a time when moms (and dads) need a break from everything. I didn’t go through this last year at this time, but maybe that’s because everything was so new to me. We has just embarked on this new journey of homeschooling after God made us abundantly aware that was the direction we were to go. So why this year am I in a February slump where all I want to do is hit the zzzzz… oh, excuse me, I nodded off for a second… snooze button?
I started to think about everything that has happened in the past year in our family. Life has definitely been a bit up and down this year. Family medical issues, career changes, financial stuff that always seems to be going on (especially since we homeschool on one income!) and then add in being a co-admin of a large local homeschool group, homeschooling our two children and somehow trying to manage two blogs- I am tired! I’m not complaining, as I am sure many of you feel the same way, but some days it’s hard to even get out of bed. I’m beyond exhausted. And on top of all of that, I really want to use this coming year to become the healthiest I can ever be, so that I am truly being who God intended me to be and to be able to be here for my family as long as possible. I’m thinking maybe as long as Abraham lived, would be great.
Then I think about our homeschooling this year. Year two has definitely been more of a struggle. No, let me re-phrase that. A challenge. What about you? Our children have learned so much this year and our 6 and almost 8 year old are reading very well. They are learning just about every minute of the day. We may do what is called “homeschooling”, but it’s far from school like you would think. Their learning goes far beyond what I ever learned in a traditional school. They have become life learners and educators at the same time. Every day, they teach me about life because of their keen interest in learning and discovering God’s creation. It is a blessing. So why does it feel like a challenge sometimes?
I just feel out of sorts this year. I feel like we could have done more, but I don’t know how or even why I feel that way. We’re not supposed to compare what the other is doing, but I often find myself asking the fabulous moms in our homeschooling group what they are doing. What works for them. Am I missing something? Am I not doing something the way I should? I am stressing myself above and beyond what I should, and why? I want to get this right. I want to do this at 100% everyday and know they are getting 150% of me. There’s only one thing standing in my way.
Me. Last time I checked, there was only one of me.
God reminded me of something last night. He created me. He equipped me. He will give me and has given me all that I need to get through not only this February slump, but every day and year of my life. I am blessed because I am His.
I need to stop. I need to re-focus what I am focusing on. My eyes are not where they need to be. They need to be on Him.
Are you in a February slump? If so, how about joining me in making this last part of February, one to remember? Maybe you don’t even homeschool, but you are feeling it just the same. Join me.
Get back in His word. Talk to God daily, if not hourly and share with Him how things are going. Shut down your technology. (Cut back on the life-sucking Facebook-talking to myself here too!) Spend more time with your family. Play games with them. Listen to them. Be present. Start a new plan to get healthy. My sister told me last night, “Make an appointment with yourself to workout.”. And most of all, give yourself the right to take a break.
So, are you in?