We are music lovers in our house. We have music playing pretty much throughout our day, whether we are in the house or the car. The love for worship music is something that my children share with me. At night, they even fall asleep listening to songs about faith and Jesus. I can’t think of anything better! So how did I end up creating a bible study out of a song and how in the world did LEGOS get involved?
Actually, it was pretty clear!
One of our favorite songs playing now is Oceans by Hillsong United. There is just something so special about that song. I think alot of times they listen to music and unless is it apparent, all they get is that the song is about God. Or what they call a “God song”. Since we are listening to it so much, I thought, this would be a great jumping off point for a bible study!
The song says, “You call me out upon the waters. The great unknown where feet may fail”. Does that sound like any story you have heard in the Bible? If you know your Bible, it should. It is from Matthew 14:22-33 and references the time when Jesus commanded Peter to step out of the boat and walk to him, on the water. Well, there you have it. The beginning of a bible study.
The origin of the song Oceans began with one member of Hillsong United and just a bit of music. The band kind of put it on the backburner and worked on other things, but this song HAD to be finished. Another member came up with one verse, the title Oceans (Where Feet may Fail). That was it. The birth of a song. Another member just started writing from there and they soon realized that the song was meant to tell the story of Peter walking on the water, but with “our faith translated into the story” and that is was about “raw trust”. It definitely is. I quickly opened my bible after hearing this and read the story again. Now, it was all new to me, a story that I have read and heard hundreds of times. The Bible is alive and that is how God speaks to us. He makes all things new.
When you listen to Christian music, you will frequently come across a verse or lyric that strikes you as being familiar. It’s because many of the songs reference bible verses. What is awesome is that a song can speak to your heart, and then it can direct you right back to the source. The source of our life. That is what I love about it! And to have the ability to share that with my children is a blessing!
But what about the LEGOS?
To take the bible study even further, I came up with an idea. What do my children love to play with? LEGOS! As a homeschooling mom, I knew LEGOS can be used for all sorts of lessons. In fact, we have a book set that we purchased at Costco last year that is the Old Testament & New Testament, told in LEGOS. Sounds strange, but it was specifically made, not for children, but for adults who were intimidated by reading the Bible. It is an easy introduction to the Bible and all of the words are directly from the Bible. I also knew that in the past, my son had created the tomb of Jesus and the resurrection, so this would be easy. I had them recreate the scene of Jesus walking on the water and calling Peter out of the boat. Perfect!
If you are interested in my Oceans, Walking on Water and LEGOS Bible Study, feel free to download the printable! If you get a bandwidth message, click the link and it will open up for you!
[gview file=”https://guardthedoor.com/wp-content/uploads/OceansBibleStudy.pdf”]
If you use this Bible Study, I would love for you to share with me how it went and what the LEGO creations looked like! Stop by my Facebook Page and share your results!