It’s not surprising when you think of how many children in general dream about going to Walt Disney World. Because of sponsors such as Walt Disney World, Give Kids The World Village is able to offer free theme park and…
Blog Revisit: Part 2 of Give Kids the World Village
Yesterday I introduced you to Give Kids The World Village and its founder, Henri Landwirth. Today, I’m going to focus on how children with a life-threatening illnesses gets to the village and what they can expect when they arrive. A…
A Three-Part Series from the Past: Give Kids the World Village
In case you are new to my blog, I wanted to share with you and organization I am passionate about. It’s called Give Kids the World Village. Last year, when this blog was in it’s infancy, I was invited to…
Give Kids the World Village- Extreme Village Makeover
If you read my blog regularly, you know that the organization, Give Kids the World Village is dear to my heart. The work they do for children with life-threatening illnesses is so important to not only the children, but the…
Are You Willing to Be a Part of Giving #5000Gifts?
I know. You are probably thinking, “Is she serious?”. Absolutely! Today at church, we were introduced to the idea of #5000gifts. With Christmas quickly approaching, as a church, we are going to give #5000gifts! We are not a big church…